San Antonio Business and Economic Society

One Year Plan

  1. Develop Mission and Vision Statement – June
    1. Mission Statement: Promote the Economic viability, sustainability and quality of life for the greater San Antonio Community, by acting as a catalyst forinnovative economic thinking while ensuring economic inclusiveness and good environmental stewardship.
    2. Vision Statement: Become the premier resource for economic and financial information about San Antonio and South Texasthrough economic and financial literacy programs and advocacy for these learning goals among the underserved segments of the community.
  2. Set Organizational Structure to include Boards and CommitteesJune/July
    1. Board Development and Organizational Officers: Identify present and recruit a diverse set of leaders.
      1. President, Vice President 1, Vice President 2, Secretary/Treasurer
    2. Finance: Elect a financial officer. A proper budget would be established, Treasurer drawn from the Board, proper checks and balances established along with establishing appropriate legal entities and tax reporting.
    3. National Association for Business Economics (NABE) Relationship: Cultivate a strong partnership and working relationship with NABE to offer Certified Business Economist (CBE) curricula and examinations in San Antonio in partnership with local universities, as well as foster relationships with chapters across the US and Globe.
    4. Community Outreach and Education: Corporate sponsorships and partnerships with other nonprofits, charities, schools, Universities and colleges, Military and local government agencies.
    5. Membership Development: Greatly expand SABES membership across the greater San Antonio Community.
    6. Programing: Set the frequency and site for meetings. Develop world class programing attracting speakers. Source and deliver the highest quality economic and financial literacy curriculum.
    7. Communications:Develop and maintain an excellent website which will act as a platform and conduit for SABES intellectual and informational content. Coordinate invitations, mailing list data base. Develop a SABES logo and image. Primary interface with Press and public relations.
  3. Develop Strategic Plan for next 2/3 Years

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